Pengetahuan Asas Kulit

Kulit boleh terbahagi kepada 3 lapisan utama epidermis, dermis dan tisu subkutaneus.  Biasanya, kebersihan tekstur, rona, tahap kelembapan dan kekenyalan kulit terpapar pada lapisan epidermis kulit yang mencerminkan kesihatan kulit.

Secaraamnya, kitaran metabolisma kulit mengambil purata 28 hari, bermula daripada basal kulit, dimana sel baru akan dijanakan, dan kemudian akan beralih ke lapisan strateum korneum.

Apakah punca Akne?

Akne biasanya terjadi pada zaman remaja.  Namun begitu, akne juga mungkin terus menghantui ramai individu dalam lingkungan umur 40an atau lebih tua.  Selain muka, akne juga wujud di bahagian belakang, dada, bahu dan lengan.

Punca Akne
  • Genetik
  • Ganguan endoktrin
  • Tabiat makanan
  • Kelenjar sebum yang terlalu aktif
  • Pembiakan bakteria dalam folikel sebum
  • Gangguan emosi

Apakah punca kedutan?

Kehilangan faktor pelembab semula jadi kulit (NMF) dan tahap lipid sel kulit menyebabkan  metabolisme kulit yang lembab.  maka lapisan pelindung berkematu atau stratum korneum akan hilang fungsinya dan kadar peralihan lapisan berkematu menjadi perlahan, yang akan menyebabkan kulit hilang lembapan, kering dan pembentukan kedutan.
Punca kedutan :-
  • Sinaran ultra lembayung
  • kulit yang kering
  • peningkatan umur dan ganguan metabolisme kulit yang semula jadi
  • Pendedahan jangka panjang kepada sinaran matahari
  • Aktiviti otot muka yang berlebihan dan berulangan
  • Peningkatan atau pengurangan berat badan yang tidak terkawal

Apakah punca pempigmenan?

Masalah pempigmenan adalah hasil metabolisme kulit yang lembab.  Ia menyebabkan keabnormalan perembasan melamin yang terkumpul pada kulit. 

Punca-punca biasa masalah pempigmenan ialah:-

  • Pendedahan jangka panjang kepada sinaran matahari merangsang pembentukan pigmen melanin pada kulit
  • Hati membantu fungsi metabolik endoktrin.  Individu yang menghidap hepatitis kronik atau ganguan endoktrin mungkin juga mengalami masalah hiperpigmentasi
  • Pempigmen akan berlaku pada peringkat awal kehamilan akibat perubahan fungsi pada kebanyakan kelenjar endoktrin.
  • Tekanan, ketakseimbangan emosi dan tabiat gaya hidup yang tidak sihat untuk tempoh yang berlanjutan akan menyebabkan masalah hiperpigmentasi
  • Pemakanan yang mempunyai kandungan kuprum, raksa, argentum dan logam berat yang lain, dan penggunaan kosmetik berkualiti rendah dan substandard yang mengandungi minyak mineral, pewangi dan pewarna sintetik juga merupakan punca pempigmenan.
  • Penggunaan jangka panjang sesetengah jenis dadah atau ubat2an juga boleh menyebabkan masalah pempigmenan.



Basic Skin Knowledge

Basic Skin Knowledge:How well do you know your skin?

The skin can be divided into 3 main layers;the epidermis.dermis and subcutaneous tissue.The cleanliness.texture,colour,moisture and elasticity levels of the skin are usually displayed through the skin epidermis,which directly reflects the skin's health.

Basically,the skin metabolism cycle takes an average of 28 days,beginning from the skin's basal layer where new cells are produced,and then move up to the strateum corneum where they will subsequently harden,die and shed.However,as our age increases,our skin metabolsim decreases,and our skin will become dull and lacklustre.Therefore,it is vital to provide sufficient moisture to our skin.

The stratum corneum layer is like a brick wall formed by 20 layers of cells and it functions to protect the epidermis.It protects the human body from the threats of the surrounding environment.When the stratum corneum is sufficiently moisturized,its immune function will be strengthened.As a result,the skin will become firmer,smoother and softer.

The dermis is held together by a type of orotein called collagen,made by fibroblasts that secrete strong fibrous proteins as an extracellular matrix.It contributes to improving and maintaining skin elasticity and firmess.

As we age,skin cell renewal becomes sluggish,moisture levels will decrease and our skin loses its elasticity.Within the skin,collagen production slowa down,and elastin,the substance that enables skin to snap back into place,has a bit less spring.As a result,the regular outline structure formed between the collagen in the dermis and elastin will collapse slowly,leading to the formation of wrinkles,sagging,dull and rough skin.Therefore,collagen and moisture replenishment are vital to maintain a healthy,young and beautiful complexion.

Causes of Skin problems

What are the causes of acne?

Ance occurs most commonly during adolescence.However,acne may even persist in a significant number of peoples into the forties or even later.Besides the face,acne commonly occurs on the back,Chest,neck,shoulder
and upper arms.    
*Endocrine disorder.
*Dietary habits.
*Overactive sebaceous glands.
*Bacteria proliferation in the sebaceous follicle.
*Emotional disorder.

What are the cause of wrinkles?

Sluggish skin metabolism is caused by he loss of the skin's natural moisturizing factors (NMF) and lipid level of skin cells.Thus,the protective horny layer or stratum corneum will lose its functions and the turnover rate of the horny layer becomes slow,which lead to moisture loss,dryness and the apperance wrinkles.
*Ultraviolet rays.
*Dry skin.
*Ageing and natural skin metabolism disorders.
*Long term exposure to sunlight.
*Excessive and repeated facial muscle activities.
*Unregulated weight loss or weight gain.

What are the causes of pigmentation?

Pigmentation is a result of sluggish skin metabolism.It causes abnormal secretion of melanin which is  deposited in the skin.The common pigmentation are:
*Long-term exposure to sunlight,which stimulates the production of the pigment melanin in the skin.
*The liver aids in the endocrine metabolic functions,Hyperpigmentation may occur in individuals suffering  from chronic hepatitis or endocrine disorder.
*During early pregnancy,pigmentation will occur due to changes in the function of most endocrine glands.
*Extended periods of stress,emotional imbalances and unhealthy lifestyle habits will lead to  hyperpigmentation.
*A diet with high contents of copper,mercury,argentum and otehr heavy metals,and using poor-quality and  substandard cosmetics containing synthetic mineral oil,fragrance and colouring content are also the causes of  pigmentation.
*Long-term usage of certain drugs or medication may cause pigmentation problems.

Causes of skin problems:

The skin is like a plant;it needs tender loving care.The plant must be watered daily,given fertilizer,insectides,etc that it needs to be a healthyh plant and covered in lovely blossoms.Similiarly,we must be aware about the various skin damaging causes.
External factors:-Environmental pollution,dietary habits,chemical abuse,substance abuse,lifestyle.
Internal factors:-Gender,Genetic and age.

These internal and external factors are the common problem-causing agents for acne,wrinkles,pigmentation and other skin problems.

Sources of the trace elements and vitamins:

The human body is incapable trace elements.However,we need a large amount of these trace elements to ensure that the body's respiratory system,digestive system,nervous system and musculoskeletal system are capable of maintaining its equilibrium and regulate the body to sustain life.Iron,copper,iodine,magnesium,zinc,chrome,cobalt,fluoride,nickel and lithium are important elements which must be present in our body.Insufficient supply of these trace elements will jeopardize our health.

The functions of trace elements on our skin:

Iron:Provides oxygen to the skin,strengthens the capappilary walls.
Copper:Brightern and balances melanin.
Iodine:Eliminates toxins and strengthens skin cells.
Magnesium:Nourishes and brightens.
Zinc:Protects against UV rays,nourishes and sterilizes.
Chrome:Promotes metabolism.
Cobalt:Provides vitamin B12,protects blood cells and the nervous system.
Fluoride:Strengthens the skin structure.
Nickel:Produces a warm feeling,eliminates toxins.
Sulphur:Sterilizes and posseses anti-inflammatory properties.
Calcium:Strengthens cell membrance and possesses anti-itch properties.

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